I believe I've mentioned, elsewhere on these boards, that OWaW has never really struck a chord with me -- and for that matter, Strike Witches didn't either, so it's at least partly the source material's fault (if it can be said to be anyone's fault).This, on the other hand, is *charming*. I picked it up because, hey, new EPU stuff, I'll always at least give that a look-see even if it's in a sub-fora I don't particularly care for. And now...
... well, I'm re-considering OWaW. Maybe there's something there for me after all. I dunno.
But this is just delightful, and I love how it ties into the overall arc with Kei. After ... geez, I dunno how long (and it's entirely possible I missed developments along the way) one of my longstanding questions is not exactly answered, but at least resolved, if that makes sense.
--I've reread this twice already and still enjoying it, thank you sir