>>Believe it or not, I didn't go into this thinking that Remilia
>>Scarlet, of all people, was going to turn out to be the One to bring
>>balance to the Force Gryphon's preposterous life, but... it's
>>looking like she is.
>I don't wanna make your life even harder, but I am wondering
>how you're planning to square this development with Holiday in the
>Sun, which takes place a year later on the main UF timeline and
>notably features Gryphon hoping that Tali'Shukra will fill this
>role... Mm, I've thought about that. It's one of two bits of existing story I can think of offhand that get broken by this development (the other being the conversation at the end of Freiburg where Hannelore asks G whether he's a married man). Continuity problems are one of the primary pitfalls of working out of sequence like I often do.
Unfortunately, while the latter is relatively easy to square with some minor editing to the dialogue, the former is... probably not reconcilable without a heavy rewrite.
Mind you, Holiday could probably use one anyway, because with the best will in the world to my past self, that whole scene is on pretty shaky ground. I mean, for one thing, that was never going to work, and for another, the people who said at the time that it was out of character for him to ask were pretty much right.
Ultimately, I think we may need to chalk this one up to time travel, where by "time travel" I mean "I wrote that scene years ago and had no idea that this was going to happen in the dark and brutal year of our Lord two thousand and twenty."
"The thing is, Amy... everyone's memory is a mess. Life is a mess. Everyone's got memories of a holiday they couldn't have been on or a party they never went to, or met someone from the first time and felt like they've known them all their lives. Time is being rewritten all around us, every day. People think their memories are bad, but their memories are fine. The past is really like that."
—the 11th Doctor, Night and the Doctor: Good Night
Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod
Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/
zgryphon at that email service Google has
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.