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Eyrie Productions, Unlimited

Subject: "(teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello"     Previous Topic | Next Topic
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Conferences Symphony of the Sword/The Order of the Rose Topic #375
Reading Topic #375
Charter Member
22617 posts
Aug-23-13, 02:43 AM (EDT)
Click to EMail Gryphon Click to send private message to Gryphon Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
"(teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello"
   150K! Have another teaser.

        "Not like I'm getting a lot of overnight company.  Speaking of
you and the ladies," she added, turning her head to favor him with an
arched eyebrow, "when did you and The Late Toph Beifong get to be such
Corwin made a lying-down shrug. "Well, I dunno, I mean, she's
one of those people like - well, like you, actually. I can't remember
not knowing her. We sort of took it to the next level last fall,
"What, while you were stuck in Asgard?" asked Korra.
"What happened?"
Corwin smiled nostalgically. "She broke into my apartment."
"... Uh. You're really going to have to elaborate on that."


As he had for many evenings lately, Corwin had dozed off on his
couch with the television on. He snapped back to consciousness with a
jolt at the unexpected sound of a voice, loud and insistent:
"OK, Ravenhair, on your feet! Nap time's over!"
Blinking awake, Corwin sat up and saw a familiar, diminutive
figure standing foursquare in the middle of his living room, one of the
windows (which had been locked) standing fully open behind her. It was
Toph Beifong, and she was, he realized with deepening puzzlement,
dressed for traveling. No shoes, as ever, but she had a heavy cloak
over her usual green-and-tan outfit and was wearing a hat that looked,
if Corwin was being honest, a bit like an overturned wok.
"... Toph?" He glanced at the TV. The eighth inning of the
Knights-Rangers game was in progress; he'd fallen asleep in the third.
Returning his confused attention to Toph, he asked, "Why are you
breaking into my apartment?"
"I'll tell you why!" Toph snapped, her hazy mint-green eyes not
quite looking at him. "Because I'm sick of this crap! I'm down at the
Golden Axe and all the Valkyrie girls are crying in their mead about how
sad you are and how mean Frey is and how SAD it all is and BOO HOO HOO.
Get your ass off that couch and let's go DO something."

Korra snorted. "OK, I can see that. And did you? Go do
"Yeah, you could say that," Corwin replied with a chuckle.
"Well, see, King Ulfgerth of Jotunheim used to have this green
diamond called the Eye of Destiny. Colossal. Got to weigh at least
five pounds."
"Used to," Korra repeated, smiling slightly.
Corwin nodded. "Mm-hmm, he kept it in his legendary treasure
vault deep beneath Mount Frostcrag. Guarded by a legion of his best
jotunn troops, and completely unreachable without his magic key,
besides. Dvergar craftsmanship, that vault. Nothing like it anywhere
else in the Nine Worlds." He turned a lazy grin to her and added,
"Buried under two and a half miles of solid rock."
Korra laughed. "I get the picture," she said.
"A heist can be a great bonding experience," said Corwin
philosophically. "We ought to try it sometime."
"Heh, maybe we should at that."

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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
(teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello [View All] Gryphonadmin Aug-23-13 TOP
  RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello Offsides Aug-23-13 1
  RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello SpottedKitty Aug-23-13 2
     RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello Gryphonadmin Aug-23-13 4
         RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello BobSchroeck Aug-23-13 7
         RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello Terminus Est Aug-23-13 12
             RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello Gryphonadmin Aug-23-13 14
                 RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello Terminus Est Aug-24-13 15
     RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello Mister Fnord Aug-23-13 10
         RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello Terminus Est Aug-24-13 16
             RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello mdg1 Aug-24-13 17
                 RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello BobSchroeck Aug-26-13 36
                     RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello MuninsFire Aug-26-13 38
                         RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello mdg1 Aug-26-13 39
  RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello Mercutio Aug-23-13 3
     RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello Gryphonadmin Aug-23-13 5
         RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello JeanneHedge Aug-23-13 11
             RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello Mercutio Aug-23-13 13
                 RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello Peter Eng Aug-24-13 18
                     RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello Gryphonadmin Aug-24-13 19
                         RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello Mercutio Aug-25-13 20
                             RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello Gryphonadmin Aug-25-13 21
                         RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello Croaker Aug-29-13 43
                             RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello mdg1 Aug-29-13 44
                                 RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello Croaker Aug-29-13 45
                                     RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello mdg1 Aug-29-13 46
                                         RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello Croaker Aug-29-13 47
         RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello BobSchroeck Aug-26-13 37
  RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello Star Ranger4 Aug-23-13 6
  RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello Bad Moon Aug-23-13 8
     RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello Gryphonadmin Aug-23-13 9
         RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello Bad Moon Aug-25-13 22
             RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello The Traitor Aug-25-13 23
                 RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello Mercutio Aug-25-13 24
                     RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello mdg1 Aug-25-13 25
                         RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello Gryphonadmin Aug-25-13 27
                             RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello mdg1 Aug-25-13 28
                     RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello Gryphonadmin Aug-25-13 26
                         RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello Mercutio Aug-26-13 29
                             RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello Pasha Aug-26-13 30
                             RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello Gryphonadmin Aug-26-13 31
                                 RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello Mercutio Aug-26-13 32
                                     RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello Terminus Est Aug-26-13 33
                                         RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello Meagen Aug-26-13 34
                                             RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello Peter Eng Aug-26-13 40
                                             RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello Meagen Aug-27-13 41
                                             RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello BeardedFerret Aug-27-13 42
                                         RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello mdg1 Aug-26-13 35

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Charter Member
1266 posts
Aug-23-13, 09:28 AM (EDT)
Click to EMail Offsides Click to send private message to Offsides Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
1. "RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello"
In response to message #0
   "A heist can be a great bonding experience."

Brilliant! I may have to borrow that line sometime...


[...] in order to be a realist you must believe in miracles.
-- David Ben Gurion
#include <stdsig.h>

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Member since Jun-15-04
605 posts
Aug-23-13, 12:06 PM (EDT)
Click to EMail SpottedKitty Click to send private message to SpottedKitty Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
2. "RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello"
In response to message #0
   LAST EDITED ON Aug-23-13 AT 12:07 PM (EDT)
       "Well, see, King Ulfgerth of Jotunheim used to have this green 
>diamond called the Eye of Destiny. Colossal. Got to weigh at least
>five pounds."

Considering the level of weirdness that a Toph/Corwin adventure should by definition attract, I was halfway expecting the gem in question to be a many fauceted scarlet emerald.

Unable to save the day: File is read-only.

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Charter Member
22617 posts
Aug-23-13, 12:34 PM (EDT)
Click to EMail Gryphon Click to send private message to Gryphon Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
4. "RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello"
In response to message #2
       "Well, see, King Ulfgerth of Jotunheim used to have this green 
>>diamond called the Eye of Destiny. Colossal. Got to weigh at least
>>five pounds."

>Considering the level of weirdness that a Toph/Corwin adventure should
>by definition attract, I was halfway expecting the gem in question to
>be a many fauceted scarlet emerald.

Well, the Eye of Destiny was only what they went there for. Who knows what else they stumbled across* when they actually got in there?

On the other hand, we've seen Toph since that adventure and she wasn't nine feet tall and neckless, so we may presume they didn't find the Ruby of Cyttorak, or at least that she didn't touch it if they did. (And really, would Toph Beifong not touch that if they found it?) That stands to reason, though. One presumes Ulfgerth would be using that, not hoarding it, if he possessed it.

* Or, well, what else Corwin stumbled across. Toph doesn't stumble across things. Very surefooted.
Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod
Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/
zgryphon at that email service Google has
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.

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Charter Member
2265 posts
Aug-23-13, 01:10 PM (EDT)
Click to EMail BobSchroeck Click to send private message to BobSchroeck Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
7. "RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello"
In response to message #4
   >On the other hand, we've seen Toph since that adventure and she wasn't
>nine feet tall and neckless,

Unless, of course, you get your news accounts from the Ember Island Players.

-- Bob
My race is pacifist and does not believe in war. We kill only out of personal spite.

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Terminus Est
Member since Nov-5-04
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Aug-23-13, 09:18 PM (EDT)
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12. "RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello"
In response to message #4
   ...Wasn't the Ruby sitting in Raven's bookshop a while back? Or was that just a throwaway line?

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Charter Member
22617 posts
Aug-23-13, 09:48 PM (EDT)
Click to EMail Gryphon Click to send private message to Gryphon Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
14. "RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello"
In response to message #12
   >...Wasn't the Ruby sitting in Raven's bookshop a while back? Or was
>that just a throwaway line?

... as opposed to the one you just replied to? :)

Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod
Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/
zgryphon at that email service Google has
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.

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Terminus Est
Member since Nov-5-04
573 posts
Aug-24-13, 00:38 AM (EDT)
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15. "RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello"
In response to message #14
   Fair 'nuff.

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Mister Fnord
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Aug-23-13, 05:26 PM (EDT)
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10. "RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello"
In response to message #2
   >a many fauceted scarlet emerald.



I just want you to know that I hate you and hope you're going to hell for that.

Mr. Fnord
A good memory for bad fiction is a terrible thing to have. :(

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Terminus Est
Member since Nov-5-04
573 posts
Aug-24-13, 00:39 AM (EDT)
Click to EMail Terminus%20Est Click to send private message to Terminus%20Est Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
16. "RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello"
In response to message #10
   LAST EDITED ON Aug-24-13 AT 00:40 AM (EDT)
I don't know if I dare to ask (which is bad, considering I know people who read badfic for fun).

I must ask though, where'd they put the spigots?

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Member since Aug-25-04
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Aug-24-13, 12:39 PM (EDT)
Click to EMail mdg1 Click to send private message to mdg1 Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
17. "RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello"
In response to message #16
   >I don't know if I dare to ask (which is bad, considering I know people
>who read badfic for fun).
>I must ask though, where'd they put the spigots?

This isn't a reference to a badfic...

This is a reference to THE badfic. The one. The only. The immortal...



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Charter Member
2265 posts
Aug-26-13, 09:22 AM (EDT)
Click to EMail BobSchroeck Click to send private message to BobSchroeck Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
36. "RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello"
In response to message #17
   >This isn't a reference to a badfic...
>This is a reference to THE badfic. The one. The only. The

The only fic that's also a party game!

-- Bob
(Seriously. You take turns reading, and see how long you can last before you crack up or can't continue for any other reason.)
My race is pacifist and does not believe in war. We kill only out of personal spite.

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Member since Mar-27-07
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Aug-26-13, 12:41 PM (EDT)
Click to EMail MuninsFire Click to send private message to MuninsFire Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
38. "RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello"
In response to message #36
   My record is two pages. I was very drunk.

In Xanadu did Kubla Khan
A stately pleasure-dome decree
Where Alph, the sacred river, ran
Through caverns measureless to man
Down to a sunless sea

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Member since Aug-25-04
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Aug-26-13, 12:43 PM (EDT)
Click to EMail mdg1 Click to send private message to mdg1 Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
39. "RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello"
In response to message #38
   I can do slightly better... I was disqualified for reading with proper grammar (accidentally).


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Member since May-26-13
942 posts
Aug-23-13, 12:26 PM (EDT)
Click to EMail Mercutio Click to send private message to Mercutio Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
3. "RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello"
In response to message #0
        "Not like I'm getting a lot of overnight company.  
>Speaking of
>you and the ladies," she added, turning her head to favor him with an
>arched eyebrow, "when did you and The Late Toph Beifong get to be such

The Late Toph Beifong is also, coincidentally, the name of the premiere The Toph Beifong Experience cover band.


"Well, see, King Ulfgerth of Jotunheim used to have this green 
>diamond called the Eye of Destiny. Colossal. Got to weigh at least
>five pounds."

"Found it. Snag! That was easy. C'mon, Corwin. You remember where we parked? I bet we can be home before the bars close."

"Oh, good. Where was it?"

"Pedestal in the corner."

"... you took the giant gem. From it's pedestal. Lifted it right off. Walked right up and just... yoink."

"I did! ... why are you backing away like that?"

Keep Rat

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Charter Member
22617 posts
Aug-23-13, 12:46 PM (EDT)
Click to EMail Gryphon Click to send private message to Gryphon Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
5. "RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello"
In response to message #3
   >"... you took the giant gem. From it's pedestal. Lifted it right off.
>Walked right up and just... yoink."
>"I did! ... why are you backing away like that?"

"... Run?"

Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod
Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/
zgryphon at that email service Google has
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.

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Charter Member
933 posts
Aug-23-13, 05:39 PM (EDT)
Click to EMail JeanneHedge Click to send private message to JeanneHedge Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
11. "RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello"
In response to message #5
   LAST EDITED ON Aug-23-13 AT 05:45 PM (EDT)
>>"... you took the giant gem. From it's pedestal. Lifted it right off.
>>Walked right up and just... yoink."
>>"I did! ... why are you backing away like that?"

That's different, I was expecting the cliche.


Jeanne Hedge
"Never give up, never surrender!"

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Member since May-26-13
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Aug-23-13, 09:40 PM (EDT)
Click to EMail Mercutio Click to send private message to Mercutio Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
13. "RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello"
In response to message #11
   It's a straight-up ATLA riff on my part, actually.

AANG: Yay! ... wait, what exactly is that?

ZUKO: It's some kind of mystical gemstone.

AANG: Well don't touch it!

ZUKO: Why not?

AANG: I'm just very suspicious of giant glowing gems sitting on pedestals.

(ZUKO picks up the gemstone.)

Things proceeded from there in about the manner you'd expect anything involving Zuko making a decision of any kind to proceed in.

Keep Rat

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Peter Eng
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2064 posts
Aug-24-13, 04:27 PM (EDT)
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18. "RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello"
In response to message #13
   I think it's just the nature of this place that I immediately came up with:

"Zuko, is that some sort of mystical gemstone?"
"Well, naturally."
"Did you take it off its pedestal, Zuko?"
"Well, I suppose... I suppose I must have done, yes."

Peter Eng
Insert humorous comment here.

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Charter Member
22617 posts
Aug-24-13, 09:10 PM (EDT)
Click to EMail Gryphon Click to send private message to Gryphon Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
19. "RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello"
In response to message #18
   >"Zuko, is that some sort of mystical gemstone?"
>"Well, naturally."
>"Did you take it off its pedestal, Zuko?"
>"Well, I suppose... I suppose I must have done, yes."

There is much data to support that hypothesis.

Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod
Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/
zgryphon at that email service Google has
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.

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Member since May-26-13
942 posts
Aug-25-13, 00:56 AM (EDT)
Click to EMail Mercutio Click to send private message to Mercutio Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
20. "RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello"
In response to message #19
   Zuko isn't really an imbecile, per se. He's quite good at what he does, and once he throws off his indoctrination his moral compass is, as the man once said, set firmly to green.

It's just that Zuko's superpower is to make really, REALLY bad decisions that are only balanced out by the fact that about one time out of ten, he manages to make a stupendously good one.

If anyone here ever played any Amber Diceless Roleplaying... Zuko has, like, a full 20 points of Bad Stuff. Straight up.

Keep Rat

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Charter Member
22617 posts
Aug-25-13, 01:02 AM (EDT)
Click to EMail Gryphon Click to send private message to Gryphon Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
21. "RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello"
In response to message #20
   "Able to make any situation worse, it's Self-Destructo!"

Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod
Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/
zgryphon at that email service Google has
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.

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Charter Member
640 posts
Aug-29-13, 12:40 PM (EDT)
Click to EMail Croaker Click to send private message to Croaker Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
43. "RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello"
In response to message #19
   >>"Zuko, is that some sort of mystical gemstone?"
>>"Well, naturally."
>>"Did you take it off its pedestal, Zuko?"
>>"Well, I suppose... I suppose I must have done, yes."
>There is much data to support that hypothesis.

I dunno. I can't read this conversation without imagining it voiced by Tom Baker and Ian Marter.

RCW #mc2
"When in doubt, shoot something. Preferably the enemy."

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Member since Aug-25-04
1333 posts
Aug-29-13, 01:45 PM (EDT)
Click to EMail mdg1 Click to send private message to mdg1 Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
44. "RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello"
In response to message #43
   >I dunno. I can't read this conversation without imagining it voiced by
>Tom Baker and Ian Marter.

It'd be worth it, just to see Zuko in the ascot.


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Charter Member
640 posts
Aug-29-13, 01:54 PM (EDT)
Click to EMail Croaker Click to send private message to Croaker Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
45. "RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello"
In response to message #44
   >>I dunno. I can't read this conversation without imagining it voiced by
>>Tom Baker and Ian Marter.
>It'd be worth it, just to see Zuko in the ascot.

And Aang. In The Scarf.

I imagine he and the Doctor would have a lot of fun together.
"What's the point of being grown up if you can't be childish now and then?"....

RCW #mc2
"When in doubt, shoot something. Preferably the enemy."

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Member since Aug-25-04
1333 posts
Aug-29-13, 02:08 PM (EDT)
Click to EMail mdg1 Click to send private message to mdg1 Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
46. "RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello"
In response to message #45
>And Aang. In The Scarf.
>I imagine he and the Doctor would have a lot of fun together.
>"What's the point of being grown up if you can't be childish now and

I'm trying to justify having K-9 go penguin sledding...


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47. "RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello"
In response to message #46
>>And Aang. In The Scarf.
>>I imagine he and the Doctor would have a lot of fun together.
>>"What's the point of being grown up if you can't be childish now and
>I'm trying to justify having K-9 go penguin sledding...

"Leela and Sokka,
Sitting in a tree,
Kay Eye Ess - "


RCW #mc2
"When in doubt, shoot something. Preferably the enemy."

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Aug-26-13, 09:27 AM (EDT)
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37. "RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello"
In response to message #5
   LAST EDITED ON Aug-26-13 AT 09:28 AM (EDT)

And now I'm imagining Samuel L. Jackson uttering an almost-but-not-quite version of a famous bad-movie line...

-- Bob
My race is pacifist and does not believe in war. We kill only out of personal spite.

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Star Ranger4
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Aug-23-13, 01:05 PM (EDT)
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6. "RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello"
In response to message #0
   > "A heist can be a great bonding experience," said Corwin
>philosophically. "We ought to try it sometime."
> "Heh, maybe we should at that."

Dont forget the Sato Sister when you do. She REALLY wants to be part of THAT action.

Of COURSE you wernt
expecting it!
No One expects the

RCW# 86

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Bad Moon
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Aug-23-13, 03:53 PM (EDT)
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8. "RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello"
In response to message #0
   LAST EDITED ON Aug-23-13 AT 03:54 PM (EDT)
Corwin's a fibber, he did dabble in some gentlemen burgling.

Jon Helscher

Oh God, it was me. I was the grognard all along.

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Aug-23-13, 04:26 PM (EDT)
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9. "RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello"
In response to message #8
   >Corwin's a fibber, he did dabble in some gentlemen burgling.

Toph Beifong is many things, but a gentleman she is not. :)

Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod
Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/
zgryphon at that email service Google has
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.

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Bad Moon
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Aug-25-13, 04:14 PM (EDT)
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22. "RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello"
In response to message #9
   True true. But Corwin is generally gentleman enough for two normal people. There's a small legion of ladies in Asgard that curse this fact occasionally I imagine.

Jon Helscher

Oh God, it was me. I was the grognard all along.

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The Traitor
Member since Feb-24-09
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Aug-25-13, 08:53 PM (EDT)
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23. "RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello"
In response to message #22
   Part of me enjoys thinking that the much-alluded-to betting pool features everyone on Asgard for the sake of completeness (except maybe Skuld, though frankly some people will bet on anything), maintained by some kind of Valkyrie super-important systems-wallah or similar thing; because so few people actually know about it, to hear that you're on it rapidly renders it a self-fulfilling prophecy. You thus start to fixate on Corwin, giving him a little more thought than normal, making him a teeny bit more needed than he might otherwise be.

Thus, his propensity for random awesome crap to work in his favour.

Gentlemen, the truth is out at last; The Corwin Bowl is an extremely advanced infohazard designed to protect and empower a young deity finding his feet in the mortal realm.


"Yeah, I'm definitely going to hell/But I'll have all the best stories to tell" -- Frank Turner, The Ballad of Me and My Friends

In other news, tinfoil makes for some supremely uncomfortable hat lining.

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Member since May-26-13
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Aug-25-13, 09:21 PM (EDT)
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24. "RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello"
In response to message #23
   This would be the plot if Charles Stross were to somehow find himself writing for EPU: as Surtur's computational demonologists unleash their infovores upon the World-Engine in an effort to devour all the future potentialities of Tomorrow's Son, Asgard's reality ninja corps use their solar-system sized orrery arrays to generate, and infect Corwin with, an entanglement contagion, romantically destiny-entangling him with literally everyone he has met or will meet, creating a vast immune system-slash-labyrinth that renders him damn near invincible to attacks generated by metaphysical information warfare.

Keep Rat

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Member since Aug-25-04
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Aug-25-13, 10:16 PM (EDT)
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25. "RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello"
In response to message #24
   I don't know whether to be impressed or horrified by that idea. :D


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Aug-25-13, 10:19 PM (EDT)
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27. "RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello"
In response to message #25
   >I don't know whether to be impressed or horrified by that idea. :D

With Strossian plots, that's often not a boolean variable.

Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod
Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/
zgryphon at that email service Google has
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.

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Member since Aug-25-04
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Aug-25-13, 10:21 PM (EDT)
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28. "RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello"
In response to message #27
   >>I don't know whether to be impressed or horrified by that idea. :D
>With Strossian plots, that's often not a boolean variable.

True, although I was thinking of the UF potential. :)


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Aug-25-13, 10:18 PM (EDT)
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26. "RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello"
In response to message #24
   >romantically destiny-entangling him
>with literally everyone he has met or will meet


... in more ways than one, considering the preceding.

Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod
Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/
zgryphon at that email service Google has
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.

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Member since May-26-13
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Aug-26-13, 00:08 AM (EDT)
Click to EMail Mercutio Click to send private message to Mercutio Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
29. "RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello"
In response to message #26
   >>romantically destiny-entangling him
>>with literally everyone he has met or will meet
>... in more ways than one, considering the preceding.

The consequences of me not quite thinking that one entirely through are a bit of a chuckle here on the forums. :) Were the lads up in the Celestial Bureaucracy to actually fumble the ball on that one, things would probably proceed somewhat differently...

Chejop Kejak was not a happy man.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, gentlemen, but was I or was I not present for each and every department meeting on this project?" He surveyed the assembled team of programmers, holy men, and shamans (in one case, all three, but Pathik was generally considered to be pretty weird) with a gimlet eye.

"The operational spec clearly called for those prayer strips to grant Tomorrow's Son the auspicious powers of the Handsome Boy Eyes Prana, scope of all of Midgard, triggered any time he meets a new person governed by fate of the -appropriate gender and sexual orientation-. Mind telling me how we left that last bit off, and how it survived three debug passes and actually got uploaded into the World-Engine? And why, instead of it providing him with near-total immunity to Muspelheim's latest bout of asshattery, Mister Ravenhair's entire romantic destiny -instead- went into a loop snarl that threatened to overrun its buffer?" His eyes shifted to the Project Lead, seated immediately to his right. "Gorodo?"

Gorodo the Red (Programmer First Class, Bureau of Destiny, Futures and Fates Department, currently Project Lead for the Tomorrow's Son Labyrinth Entanglement Undertaking), white-scaled and scarlet-feathered, managed not to cringe back from his boss, clacking his claws on the conference table. He'd managed to sublimate quite a lot of his draconic heritage to the needs of the job, but 'when in doubt, go on the offensive' was a hard habit to break. So he coiled himself up angrily, and retorted, "With all due respect, sir, it -happens-. We're crafting destiny by committee here, boss!" Pause. "Really, it's nobodies fault."

"Oh?" Chejop raised an eyebrow. "Would you care to try and sell that line to Skuld?"

This time, Gorodo didn't manage to not cringe.

Kejak gave the team one last good glare, and then sighed. "Recriminations later. Business now. Fortunately for you all, I've managed to stopgap this entire debacle temporarily by assigning Mister Ravenhair his father's destiny, which is similar enough to his own to adhere at least temporarily." Relief rippled through the room.


And then promptly ceased to.

"The nightly cleanup routines are going to notice that there are two of those running at the same time and collapse the one without the proper timestamp on it. When that happens, Mister Ravenhair's own destiny will snap back. So you have... a little over twelve hours to fix this." He favored the room with a small, humorless smile. "And I'd recommend taking less, because the Midgard-Knight is scheduled to have a romantic encounter with a 74% chance of sexytime with Skuld sometime in the next forty-eight hours, so unless someone would also like to volunteer to explain -that- after it happens..."

One of the junior programmers in the back raised a timorous hand. "Sir, who will be handling the infovores while we're getting the protective destiny entanglement properly functioning again? They're not going to be fooled by a simple duplication; these are class fives, and they have Lord Corwin's scent already. We think one of them might have already devoured the set of potential destinies involving him, Kaname Sterling, and snowball fights; we're double-checking hers right now."

Chejop Kejak sighed, and rubbed his neck. He'd been safeguarding destiny since doing so meant going to Midgard and walking two thousand li across Diqiu with nothing more a begging bowl, a set of prayer beads, and an iron staff, scattering salt mixed with the blood of gods into the ocean in order to ensure that demons did not crawl up between the gaps in the strands of fate where the sea met the land.

Things had changed a lot since then. He didn't carry a begging bowl anymore, but the first coin ever dropped into it, a copper tael he'd kept, had been melted down to form the contact points on his cervical-spine interface jack. His prayer beads had been cut apart to form the wooden inlays on the cyberdeck that the Norns had presented him on the occasion of the three thousandth year of his service.

He still had the iron staff, though; always close by. His hand closed around it now. He stood up, popped his neck.

"I will enter the World-Engine and deal with the infovores personally."

Hell, he needed to get out of the office more anyway.

Keep Rat

(I've probably stepped MASSIVELY outside the boundaries of proper behavior for a guest in this house; originally this was just going to be a quippy response to Ben, and then this... thing insisted on dropping out of my head. I blame society.)

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Aug-26-13, 00:30 AM (EDT)
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30. "RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello"
In response to message #29
>(I've probably stepped MASSIVELY outside the boundaries of proper
>behavior for a guest in this house; originally this was just going to
>be a quippy response to Ben, and then this... thing insisted on
>dropping out of my head. I blame society.)

Did you just write fan-fiction of the original creation of a fan fiction universe set to the tone of yet a third universe with a callback to a universe that hasn't actually been inserted into the Ur-UF?

I'm impressed.

-Pasha (Also, it's canon that UFGryph and Skuld aren't that kind of friend anymore, iirc)
"Don't change the subject"
"Too slow, already did."

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Aug-26-13, 01:12 AM (EDT)
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31. "RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello"
In response to message #29
   >(I've probably stepped MASSIVELY outside the boundaries of proper
>behavior for a guest in this house

"Probably"? Bless. :)

Benjamin D. Hutchins, Co-Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & Forum Mod
Eyrie Productions, Unlimited http://www.eyrie-productions.com/
zgryphon at that email service Google has
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.

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Member since May-26-13
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Aug-26-13, 01:46 AM (EDT)
Click to EMail Mercutio Click to send private message to Mercutio Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
32. "RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello"
In response to message #31
   I'm honestly still not sure what happened. I started with, like, two lines from nameless, faceless programmers in Asgard, trying to be all funny, and then I added framing materiel, and then part of my brain was all "Dude! Chejop Kejak as a cyberdecking reality ninja enforcer monk bureaucrat for the Norns, protecting the World-Engine from demon hackers with one hand while writing quarterly performance reviews with the other. YOU MAKE IT HAPPEN" and then it was half an hour later and I had, you know, a thing.

I probably should have deleted it, but I write so rarely these days I figured "Worst that can happen is people get mad."

Keep Rat

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Terminus Est
Member since Nov-5-04
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Aug-26-13, 02:05 AM (EDT)
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33. "RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello"
In response to message #32
   LAST EDITED ON Aug-26-13 AT 02:06 AM (EDT)
For what it's worth? It was a pleasant little sidetrip.

And, hey, some of the rest of us have done it from time to time. One or two of us with... somewhat epically disastrous results... *coughs, shifty eyes*

(No, you don't wanna know. It was bad.)

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Member since Jul-14-02
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Aug-26-13, 05:37 AM (EDT)
Click to EMail Meagen Click to send private message to Meagen Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
34. "RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello"
In response to message #33
   I may or may not have a short little story I muse on when I feel down, involving an unimportant data-entry girl from the Corporate Sector who goes on a trip to Jezebel and gets to be rescued from a bog by a vacationning Utena.

With great power come great perks.

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Peter Eng
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Aug-26-13, 06:02 PM (EDT)
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40. "RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello"
In response to message #34
   >I may or may not have a short little story I muse on when I feel down,
>involving an unimportant data-entry girl from the Corporate Sector who
>goes on a trip to Jezebel and gets to be rescued from a bog by a
>vacationing Utena.

Given Utena's nature, said officemouse would probably end up going home, telling her pointy-haired boss to take this job and shove it, and move on to bigger and better things.

Peter Eng
"I did it again, didn't I."

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Member since Jul-14-02
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Aug-27-13, 05:48 AM (EDT)
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41. "RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello"
In response to message #40
   >>I may or may not have a short little story I muse on when I feel down,
>>involving an unimportant data-entry girl from the Corporate Sector who
>>goes on a trip to Jezebel and gets to be rescued from a bog by a
>>vacationing Utena.
>Given Utena's nature, said officemouse would probably end up going
>home, telling her pointy-haired boss to take this job and shove it,
>and move on to bigger and better things.

Get out of my *head*, Psicop scum.

With great power come great perks.

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Member since Apr-21-08
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Aug-27-13, 06:59 AM (EDT)
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42. "RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello"
In response to message #34
   >I may or may not have a short little story I muse on when I feel down,
>involving an unimportant data-entry girl from the Corporate Sector who
>goes on a trip to Jezebel and gets to be rescued from a bog by a
>vacationning Utena.

Mine's Knight Rider: 2300. Go big or go home.

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Member since Aug-25-04
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Aug-26-13, 05:39 AM (EDT)
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35. "RE: (teaser 2) S5M6 TbS2 Goodbye & Hello"
In response to message #33
   Hell, it is entirely possible that I was the FIRST to do it... on RAAC, anyway.

(Technically second, since Cor had already started on Otaku Rising when I first met him, but he's not here and I am. :) )


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Benjamin D. Hutchins
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